Thursday, January 5, 2017

Technology in the Classroom

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Technology has become part of just about everyone's daily life. Between phones, computers and TV, there is almost no escaping it. In schools, some teachers utilize these tools and are able to successfully integrate technology in the classroom. However others teachers  are completely against any type of technology being used in their classroom.

Since technology has been a predominant part of  students daily life, it'd be silly to not utilize it and all the benefits it holds. According to Teach Hub some of the benefits to technology in the classroom are:

1.) Technology in the classroom makes learning more fun for the students
2.) Technology prepares students for the future
3.) Improved retention rate
4.) Technology helps students learn at their own pace
5.) Technology connects with students

To learn in depth about these reasons click here.

Edutopia gives ways for teachers to intergrade technology in the classroom. Some of them are:

1.) Projects based on technology usage
2.) Online learning and assessment games
3.) Learning with mobile/ handheld devises
4.) Instructional Tools like Interactive Whiteboards and Student Response Systems
5.)  Student-Created Media like Podcasts, Videos, or Slideshows
6.) Collaborative Online Tools like Wikis or Google Docs
7.) Using Social Media to Engage Students

Click here to get more information about this from Edutopia.


1 comment:

  1. The impact of technology is a great discussion because it could go either great or have disadvantages. Great post.
