Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Question 2 on the 2016 Presidental Election Ballot

With the election coming up in a few weeks, I decided to take some time to talk about the other questions on the ballot besides the next U.S. President. Questions number 2 is very important because it will dictate the type of education students will receive and the amount of funding schools will receive. The bill is called, An Act to Allow Fair Access to Public Charter Schools, if approved, state education official will be allowed to add a maximum of 12 new charter school each year. To read more in-depth about this law click here.

Image result for question 2 massachusetts 2016Many parents like this bill because it would give them more options on where to send their children to school. However there is lots of concern that this bill would take away funding for public and private schools. After all, about 96% of American students attend either a public or private school while charter school students only make up 4%. If passed it would take effect on January 1, 2017.

What happens to this bill is up to the American people! Make sure to vote November 8th (:

Websites used:,_Question_2_(2016)

1 comment:

  1. 1. I wrote this post because at the time the election was gearing up and I wanted to inform people about what effect this question has on the public school systems.
    2. My biggest difficulty with this post was understanding what the question meant. I had a hard time grasping the concept.
    3. The purpose of this post was to inform the reader. I gave pros and cons of the bill being passed and how that would effect schools.
