Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A School Day in China.

Compared to here in the U.S. a school day in China sounds very rigorous. A typical school day goes from 7:30am to 5pm. 9 AND A HALF HOURS WHAT!?! Their lunch break is two hours though so that is definetly a pro. The school year runs from September to mid-July.

Much of the curriculum the students are taught focuses on the past history of China and their accomplishments. As well as math and Chinese language. Students are tested on their knowledge at the end of the year. Technology is also an important component in Chinese schools; in fact they have a computer to student ratio of 2:1...pretty impressive.  Although students are given uniforms, they are not forced to wear them.

Many schools are going through constructive changes to teach students teamwork skills.

So what school would you rather attend?? Let me know below!


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