Friday, January 6, 2017

Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act

Image result for healthy hunger free kids act, 2010
In 2010 Michelle Obama made significant progress to ensure that children at school were receiving a good breakfast as well as lunch. This law sets standards on how much fruits, veggies, grains etc. must be served to each child when they buy or receive a lunch.

Along with this, Michelle also launched a fitness program designed for kids. The amount of calorie intake had risen 31% and kids were not doing necessary exercise to keep them in shape. Michelle's fitness program called "Let's Move!" was made to help lower the rate of child obesity with in a generation. There's an entire website that goes along with the program also called "Let's Move!". On there you can find information on why the program was created, physical activity ideas as well as nutrition facts and so much more. To check out the website click here.

Although the correct intentions are there, many people don't think that the healthy food regulations at school are effective. The thought is that kids are simply throwing away the food that they don't want, often the healthiest part of the meal like veggies. Since these meals are often paid for by taxpayers, some of these people have concerns that their money is being wasted. However the benefits of this program outweighs the potential negative, all children are able to receive a free lunch and breakfast if needed.

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