Sunday, January 8, 2017


As of right now, most MA schools have students take the MCAS. A standardized test taken every year starting in grade 3 and going up until grade 10. High schools often have it as a requirement to pass the MCAS in order to graduate. It tests students on English, math and science. It's administered two in a row, each day students must complete a particular part of the test, either session one or session two. Students have all day to finish the test, though it should only take two or three hours.

However, a new type of test is being introduced to a few schools in the state called the PARCC test. This test is slightly different than the MCAS. First off it's taken on the computer where as the MCAS is a paper test. The PARCC test is made up of an English and Math section with mainly multiple choice questions and very limited open responses. The main difference between these two tests is that the PARCC test is timed.

The format of the PARCC test is being changed this year, called "PARCC 2.0". However any changes that will be made have not been released to the public yet.


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