Friday, September 9, 2016

What's So Bad About Learning?

Education. School. Learning. All things that we have been told throughout the entirety of our lives are important and essential to create a good life. I am a junior in high school and my whole life the value of education and good grades has been stressed to me by my parents, friends, teachers and just about anyone else I have come across during my life. As I'm sure you all know, receiving an education is so crucial in order to get a job and start a life. This then, should make school fascinating, interesting and enjoyable. After all, I'm sure most people could agree that learning new facts is fun! Well, if that's the case my question is: why do so many students find school to be so dismal? As a high school student myself, I am particularly interested in learning what the answer to this question could be. Maybe the early mornings? Or test anxiety? Throughout the progression of this blog we will find out in depth the answer to these questions. I look forward to sharing my ideas with you (:

                                                                                                                                 ~ Ally

1 comment:

  1. An exciting and important topic in a world that seems increasingly uninterested in producing well-rounded young people who are capable of making informed choices. You have a clear interest and investment in the topic, which is excellent. How does this topic move beyond your experience as a student? Will you be looking at difficult cultures' approaches to education or even the differences in access that people have/don't have to it across the globe? Last thing - be weary of your semi-colons, you seem to be using them where commas should be instead. Can't wait to read more!
