Monday, December 19, 2016

Motivational Monday 5!!!!

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School is not always fun or enjoyable or pleasant even, but the knowledge you will receive is priceless.


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

A School Day in France.

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Surprisingly, going to school in France is quite different from going to school in the U.S.

In France the school day starts at 8am after a couple classes, the students get a two hour lunch break. Afterwards more classes and the school day ends at 4pm. At the middle school and high school age the students are taught a wide variety of subjects including, French, math, physical and natural sciences, foreign language, history and geography, economics, and civics.

One big difference between French and American schools is that while there is no uniforms, their dress code includes a banned on any religious clothing item.

The school year in France runs from August to June and is divided into four terms, each seven weeks long with a one or two week break in between each term.

Which school year sounds better to you??


Websites used:

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Best Scoring Countires in the World

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As of right now (2015/2016) the top 5 best education systems in the world are:

1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. Hong Kong
5. Finland

To see the full list click here.


Monday, December 5, 2016

Motivational Monday 3!!!!

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Hard work will always pay off (:

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Student Athletes

Being a student athlete is not an easy thing to do. 7 hours of school, 3 hour practice, get home around 5:30 and then multiple hours of homework. Despite all of this, according to a study done by Ryan Stegall claims that the student athletes in his study had an average GPA of 3.25  while nonstudent athletes had an average GPA of 3.01. Pretty much all teams have a rule that says you must maintain certain grades to be allowed to play on the team. Which maybe one of the reasons for this difference.

Playing sports also gives many other benefits to the athlete. Such as lower number of absences, lower substance abuse rates and especially for female athletes, playing a sport leads to increased confidence. There are also less dropouts in high school athletes.

Playing sports in high school also provides students with many life skills as well, such as organization, time management, motivation and preforming under pressure. Angela Lumpkin, professor of health, sport and exercise sciences, and Rebecca Achen, doctoral candidate and graduate teaching assistant at KU have said, "What we are saying is participation is important...athletes are learning discipline."

Being a student athlete are tough, there are lots of sacrifices that have to be made but the outcome is well worth it.


Websites used:,%20Ryan.pdf